Peer-to-Peer Seminar Paper in review

January 19th, 2012 No comments

My paper “Analysing the Security of Incentive Schemes in
P2P-based Systems” is currently in review and will hopefully receive a good rating.

I am also currently reviewing two papers about P2P systems.

Categories: Publications Tags:

Assignment for Peer-to-Peer Seminar at TU Darmstadt

November 5th, 2011 No comments

I received my assignment for the Peer-to-Peer Seminar at TU Darmstadt.

Security of P2P-based Incentive Schemes

In P2P systems, peers share resources which enable wide range of distributed services, e.g., file sharing like aMule and BitTotrrent. However, majority of nodes behave rationally (called: free-riders) and create tensions among each others. As a result, it effects collective welfare and quality-of-service of of P2P systems and applications. To tackle free-riding and improve overall quality of P2P systems, incentive mechanisms are used to punish free-riders and improve the collaborations of participating peers. Yet, these mechanisms are susceptible to attacks and mis-uses which need a considerable investigations.

The tasks of this seminar are: to describe the problem stated above and to survey potential strategies to misuse / attack incentive schemes of P2P systems. The student might focus on (but is not restricted to) three classes of attacks: (i) Denial of Service (DoS), (ii) ID-based, and (iii) Collusion-based attacks.


Sepandar Kamvar et al., Incentives for Combatting Freeriding on P2P Networks
Seth Nielson et al., A Taxonomy of Rational Attacks
Bram Cohen, Incentives build Robustness in BitTorrent

Categories: Publications Tags:

Assignment for Cryptography Lab at TU Darmstadt

October 25th, 2011 No comments

I just received my assignment for the Cryptography Lab at TU Darmstadt.

Implementing a re-encryption mix net

In order to offer publicly verifiable vote counting in eVoting the link between voters and their vote has to be broken. In this context mix nets are widely-used to make encrypted votes anonymous. After the mix net performs its operations the correctness of the produced data has to be shown. The goal of this project is to program a re-encryption mix net (consisting of just one node) and the mix net verification method proposed in “Efficient Mix Net Verification by Proofs of Random Blocks” (available on request). The used encryption scheme will be exponential elGamal and the proofs are done using the Schnorr Identification Protocol. Because in eVoting efficiency is also significant a measurement of the performance would be desirable.

Categories: Development Tags:


October 24th, 2011 No comments

I just set up this website to document and publish information about my development projects and publications on which I work during my studies at the department of computer science of the Technische Universität Darmstadt. I will also publish information about the major projects I conduct at my company TMC-Systems GmbH.

Categories: Miscellaneous Tags: